How It Works
- Dry needling is very much like acupuncture, but it focuses on treating trigger points in your muscles to reduce pain. These trigger points are more commonly referred to as “knots” in your muscles.
- Dry needling is used to treat myofascial pain syndrome, which can occur in any of the muscles of the body. This tissue connects and stabilises the muscles in your body and can be responsible for a lot of the pain and tightness in muscle tissue. The knotting of your muscles you may experience when sore is also called myofascial trigger points.
These trigger points are connected to the chronic pain you may feel in your back or neck. Just as in massage, calming these trigger points helps relieve pain and stiffness. The insertion of a fine needle similar to an acupuncture needle at the trigger point causes a brief spasm that will cause the knotting to abate.
Treatment Sessions
Treatments start at £20.00 or FOC as part of a massage therapy session.